What's on my FeedbackFive Dashboard?

The Dashboard shows you the health of your Amazon reputation and messaging at a glance, along with important system notifications.


Top Navigation

This is the main navigation to access all FeedbackFive features. Use these navigation buttons to access order data and feedback, create and edit emails and modify your store settings.

Note: If you have a SellerPulse subscription, you'll navigate to the SellerPulse dashboard here too.

System Indicator Tiles (some accounts)

Note: The following tiles are not available on all plans and accounts at this time.

Amazon Connection

If your account is connected to Amazon Seller Central properly, you'll see a green check mark here. If you need to connect for the first time, or if your connection has expired and needs to be reconnected, you'll see a red button to click.

Note: If you do not see an Amazon connection tile here, you can reconnect to Amazon by going to Store Settings > Amazon Connection instead.

Alerts Enabled

If you have a SellerPulse subscription too, you can see here how many alerts you have enabled out of the total options.

Orders This Month and Order Last Month

These tiles help you understand your order volume, which controls your subscription cost.

Note: Older FeedbackFive accounts have a different monthly subscription system. If you don't see these tiles, you can see your subscription plan by clicking your username at the top right corner and selecting Account (Account Owner only).

Other Tiles and Graphs

View metrics for orders, seller feedback, product reviews and emails on the Dashboard tiles and graphs. Use the options next to the tiles and charts to view your metrics in different time periods: the last 7, 30, or 90 days or the current or previous billing cycle.


Below the tiles, the Notifications tab will show alerts if there is anything in your account that needs your attention.


This tab displays current FeedbackFive announcements such as events and new features. Check this tab regularly for helpful training sessions, blog posts and more.

Activity Log

Your latest imports and email send times are displayed here so you can make sure everything is running smoothly. If the most recent order imports are several days ago, you may need to reconnect to Amazon.

Feedback Chart

Track your seller feedback on this chart. Use the toggle buttons to see your feedback history for 7, 30, or 90 days. If you do not see positive feedback on this chart, make sure you set up Enhanced Feature Access (Pro and above).

Product Review Chart

Track your product reviews on this chart for all items you are monitoring. Use the toggle buttons to see your feedback history for 7, 30, or 90 days.

Orders Chart

View the number of orders imported to FeedbackFive and the number of emails sent and opened with toggle buttons for 7, 30, or 90 days.

Account Settings

Access your account settings by clicking your name at the top right corner of the application. Choose "Account" to access your plan level and billing information or to add more stores to your account. The option to switch stores is also accessible through this drop-down.

Looking for more help?

Use the Quickstart Guide to get your account set up!

Check out the rest of the Help Center or contact us with any questions.